(lolol this is the 69th STFU. I am so mature.)
This week's photo comes from an anonymous tumblr user:
This week's photo comes from an anonymous tumblr user:
Thank you for your submission!
I believe this is quite an old photo, and it showcases a Japanese (not Korean) boy band. But it still perfectly highlights how delusional adorable fangirls can be.
Initially, I honestly thought that the first photograph was of the fangirls pretending to suck all of the members of ARASHI's dicks. Except the last guy on the left. He gets no love apparently.
How embarrassing. I am sure that the other citizens walking around received second hand embarrassment from these girls.
I wonder if they will ever look back on these photographs 10 years from now and think, "Oh God. That's me. That is me bowing to an advertisement in public. Omfg…"? Will they raise their future children to admire idols just a religiously as well? Oh gawd. They will breed generations of dumb hoes.
Wait. I think they truly are trying to give blowies to the poster. What the actual fu-
Lastly, Happy New Year, FISHies!
May you have a lucky 2015 full of fresh starts and resolutions that you will probably give up by the end of January~ <3
Initially, I honestly thought that the first photograph was of the fangirls pretending to suck all of the members of ARASHI's dicks. Except the last guy on the left. He gets no love apparently.
How embarrassing. I am sure that the other citizens walking around received second hand embarrassment from these girls.
I wonder if they will ever look back on these photographs 10 years from now and think, "Oh God. That's me. That is me bowing to an advertisement in public. Omfg…"? Will they raise their future children to admire idols just a religiously as well? Oh gawd. They will breed generations of dumb hoes.
Wait. I think they truly are trying to give blowies to the poster. What the actual fu-
Lastly, Happy New Year, FISHies!
May you have a lucky 2015 full of fresh starts and resolutions that you will probably give up by the end of January~ <3
If anyone has submissions for future Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please e-mail them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to @akf_shinbi, ask them at ask.fm/akfshinbi, send them to ionlylearnedthebadthings (tumblr), or leave them in the comment section below. Remember your rights on this site: anything you say or do here can and probably will be used against you. Thank you, FISHies!