Objectification seems to be trending in Kpop these days as we all can clearly see, bewbs and booty being a pretty big part of it. And that doesn't look like it's gonna change anytime soon. Once upon a time it did bother me but now, well, who gives two fucks anymore? A lot of people. I'm just not one of them.
So, moving on. Think you're well endowed in the world of Kpop boobies? Time to test your knowledge! Take the Quiz and share your results (if you're not a pussy). Though I'm not too sure if getting a high percentage is a good thing or a bad thing really.
Also, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! The results for, "Which female idol would make the best pornstar" are finally in! As (somewhat) expected, Hyuna takes the win with a whopping 47% of the votes and Ga In comes in second place with 23%. You can check out the full results here if you want to.
And remember folks, fap safely!