I can't tell the future, because if I could, I would have invested all of my life savings into the stocks that soared the most and I'd be rich enough to bang Han Ye Seul in front of Teddy while Teddy cried shoving a dildo in his ass. Seeing as how I can't predict the future, I'm playing the wait-and-see game.
I just want more Seungyeon.
News Story #4: Jessica releases cover of "Gravity"
Unsurprisingly, netizens everywhere are herp-derping and asking about her business. Just because your broke ass can't afford a pair of Sica's shades, it doesn't mean her business is failing. Plus, I just love how it's okay for all of these Western celebrities to have their own fashion/whatever lines and still do their day job, but if Jessica tries going back to her day job, she gets shit for it.
This song sucks, so I'm not going to defend that. It's just really old seeing netizens saying the same shit over and over about Jessica.