Look I know I'm probably the only author on this site outside of Soyeon Friend that actually likes G-Friend but I feel like this song and video is worthy of a review since it's pretty awesome.
When GFriend debuted last year with "Glass Bead" I thought they had potential but thought their debut song was total weak-sauce. Since writing that review I've come around to "Glass Bead" quite a bit however I still think "Me Gustas Tu" was better and one of the best songs of 2015 (almost made my end-of-the year list) and it was actually MGT that made me a stan of theirs, as well as Sowon and Yuju.
However "Rough" is a new turn for them. It's not a sugar-filled happy song like their other tracks but it still remains upbeat and danceable and very 90's-ish. "Rough" is a lot more angst and dramatic, think along the lines of a much darker "Baby Baby". My favorite part of the song are violins during the chorus, they just take this song to bigger scale somehow. Oh and there's also that awesome guitar solo we also got in "Me Gustas Tu" making this song a winner in my book.
The music video matches the song as it feels more mature, darker, the girls make-up artist finally got their shit together. However the main course in any G-Friend video is the choreography. G-Friend are one of the few girl groups that actually get handed interesting looking choreography, and this holds up perfectly. We get more fluid dance moves as well as their sharp ones. The spins and SinB's clock move towards the end are some of the best parts of the music video for me.
The worst would have to be when that stuffed bear came alive and started reaching for Yerin. What the hell was up with that? I would probably like it if this were a horror themed music video, but here that was just out-of-nowhere creepiness.
I will now take the time to address the gorgeousness of Sowon and Yuju:
The music video matches the song as it feels more mature, darker, the girls make-up artist finally got their shit together. However the main course in any G-Friend video is the choreography. G-Friend are one of the few girl groups that actually get handed interesting looking choreography, and this holds up perfectly. We get more fluid dance moves as well as their sharp ones. The spins and SinB's clock move towards the end are some of the best parts of the music video for me.
The worst would have to be when that stuffed bear came alive and started reaching for Yerin. What the hell was up with that? I would probably like it if this were a horror themed music video, but here that was just out-of-nowhere creepiness.
I will now take the time to address the gorgeousness of Sowon and Yuju:

Overall I'd say G-Friend has gone the right direction with their sound. I also like how they've further proven netizens as humongous fucking hypocrites. I wrote an arictle a while ago about netizens are fake vocal-lovers since they shit on groups that can't sing well, then when G-Friend debuted all they talked about was how they would go nowhere since they thought all of them were ugly. But I guess that doesn't matter now since "Rough" is now like #3 on Melon's chart. Gee, I wish my career could go nowhere like G-Friend's is.