Who doesn't love KARA's Youngji's laugh?
To everyone pissed off at the situation: stop fuming for two seconds as I explain why you should chill the fuck out and laugh.
So a few years ago when BTS were still nugus went to an underground rap event and a rapper by the name of B-Free dissed them for being idol rappers. While his comments were hilarious (him being a tryhard too ya know?), it's expected that idol rappers will be getting shit thrown at them from rappers and nonrappers alike. I mean hell, we live in a day where Ravi from VIXX can release (or threaten to release) a diss track.
Two days later he gets back on Twitter and says that BTS fans have pissed him off so much that the next time he sees them he's going to bitch slap them. So as you can guess: he just added more fuel to the fire, a lot of more fuel to the fire.
While I'm a fan of BTS, I really don't take offense to B-Free dissing them, mostly because rappers dissing rappers is something that happens all the time. That's just one of the petty laws of show business. But also, BTS don't even give a fuck themselves. They made a song that addressed the issue and that left it at that. Now is B-Free a super try-hard that tries to act like he's so much more hep-hap because he disses idols meanwhile he shared a stage with Song Mino (rapper from WINNER) on "Show Me The Money"? Of course, but at the end of the day, he's one in a million more, Korean or not, who think the exact same way so I'm not going to go emberass myself on Twitter and other social media platforms because "OMG B-FREE DISSED MAH BTS OPPARS!!! MUST DIE!!!!"
However this is some funny ass shit. Not it's not because it shows B-Free is even more of a mega attention seeking fuckboy than he was two years ago. No it's not because he waited two years apologize for something so petty that everyone already forgot about. No it's not because we have someone who is considered on the same try-hard level as Keith Ape thinking he's so authentic dissing a group who's actually self-aware about their image. No it's not because it shows the ridiculousness of BTS's fandom to get pissed off at something so old. It's not even because of B-Free's super back-handed apology where he thanks the people who hated on him and not those who supported him. It's not even how he pulled a 180 once the fans got so excessive and said he was going to "bitch slap" BTS. Nope, none of that is the funniest shit.
While I'm a fan of BTS, I really don't take offense to B-Free dissing them, mostly because rappers dissing rappers is something that happens all the time. That's just one of the petty laws of show business. But also, BTS don't even give a fuck themselves. They made a song that addressed the issue and that left it at that. Now is B-Free a super try-hard that tries to act like he's so much more hep-hap because he disses idols meanwhile he shared a stage with Song Mino (rapper from WINNER) on "Show Me The Money"? Of course, but at the end of the day, he's one in a million more, Korean or not, who think the exact same way so I'm not going to go emberass myself on Twitter and other social media platforms because "OMG B-FREE DISSED MAH BTS OPPARS!!! MUST DIE!!!!"
However this is some funny ass shit. Not it's not because it shows B-Free is even more of a mega attention seeking fuckboy than he was two years ago. No it's not because he waited two years apologize for something so petty that everyone already forgot about. No it's not because we have someone who is considered on the same try-hard level as Keith Ape thinking he's so authentic dissing a group who's actually self-aware about their image. No it's not because it shows the ridiculousness of BTS's fandom to get pissed off at something so old. It's not even because of B-Free's super back-handed apology where he thanks the people who hated on him and not those who supported him. It's not even how he pulled a 180 once the fans got so excessive and said he was going to "bitch slap" BTS. Nope, none of that is the funniest shit.
The funniest shit about this is that ARMY's were so fucking stupid when they tried to launch an attack on B-Free they got the wrong rapper. Instead they got B Free, a Detroit rapper who is actually a fan of BTS, and lashed out on him.

Credits to Asian Junkie

How in the fuck do you get a Black dude from Detroit confused with an Asian dude from Honolulu??????? Did you not see his dp????? I knew the BTS fandom was trash but I didn't know they could be this stupid. Joonie needs to donate some of his IQ points to the fandom, fast.
But seriously, I laughed for like ten minutes straight when I saw those tweets and I'm laughing now as I type this. I had to retype this sentence like ten fucking times because I was laughing so hard. #BTSNBFreeAintNothinToFuckWit
Some fan also made this:
I have no idea what that's referencing but it's still hilarious.
And now Detroit rapper BFree, being a better diplomat than B-Free took this situation to promote his mixtape:

I approve of this marketing strategy.
And it worked...for me at least. I took the time to listen to a couple a tracks. If you're not into Nu-School rap then you wont be too keen on it, but here's one that I liked:
However, Whyandotte (a rapper he's cool with) has a sound I'm more into: