Aww yeah, the MV teaser for "Catch Me" looks good. The fancams from their first performance were good, and Cheng Xiao's will be featured on Friday. The teaser is good, but I could do without the T-ara effects. That shit is getting older than dinosaur turds.
I'm mainly excited because it's another promising girl group to usher in the new era (Red Velvet, Twice, Oh My Girl, Lovelyz, Girlfriend, Sonamoo, Mamamoo and maybe some others like CLC and Laboum).
Anyway, watch Cheng Xiao either be ignored like Victoria was for her first couple of years or everywhere like Tzuyu. We shouldn't have to worry about a retarded controversy with Cheng Xiao since she's from the mainland, but who the fuck knows, this is K-pop, land of the retarded controversies.