Channel: Anti Kpop-Fangirl
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[MV Review] Cosmic Girls - Catch Me


The MV I have been waiting over two weeks for finally comes out. Was it worth the wait?

Fuck, we get another good song paired with a shit MV. No, I don't care that it's a box MV, as that is the least of this MV's problems. This is 2016's "Wiggle Wiggle" in which the MV should be fucking amazing but it's let down by a lot of flashing lights and awkward camera angles. Unless your favorite member is Exy, you can't really see a good shot of the other members, which is a shame as there are some hot members in this group. However, we get jarring cuts and constant light changes. The light changes and the transition to black and white and back to color is a decent idea given what little the director has to work with (only one box set instead of several like a normal box MV), but it is overdone and by the end of the MV I got tired of the constant changing.

The screen time distribution is pretty awful, with Exy and a few other members taking up all of the screen time. You really can't fucking see Cheng Xiao well until her flipping scene. It's fine when you have five members and do this, as the other four will still get plenty of screen time, but when you have a 12-member group, it backfires. You're honestly better off watching fancams if you like any of the non-vocalist members.

While the MV leaves a lot to be desired, the song itself is really good. While the song relies too much on Exy and barely gives any of the other members lines, it works given the beat and pace of the song. This is one of those songs where a rapper can give the song more oomph, and Exy does that well during the song's numerous rap breaks.

Speaking of rappers, WJSN does the right thing by only having one rapper. We've heard too many songs where one idol rapper is serviceable, but then another idol, due to not having any lines, is given some rap lines and makes the song even worse. We saw that during T-ara's Hwadog era. Eunjung and Hyomin were a great idol rapping duo, but Hyomin stopped rapping and started taking some of Soyeon's lines while Eunjung's rap lines heavily decreased and we were canally raped every time Hwadog rapped. Luckily that's not the case in WJSN.

In the end, "Catch Me" is a catchy track with a strong chorus. The track utilizes the rapper well to add to the song instead of simply tacking on some rap verses just because they fucking could. It's a shame the MV sucks, so go watch some fancams instead.

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