For those of you who only enjoy Red Velvet's Red songs, check yourself out the door and go back and listen to something such as "Huff 'n Puff". Unfortunately, I'm one of those people who only the Red songs abhor the Velvet songs.
The problem with this song is that it takes over three minutes for the song's buildup to pay off. You have to ask yourself if this investment is even worth it. For some people, it is, as they enjoy the song building up to that climax. To these people, songs are like sex. You can just insert your dick into a dry-ass vagina. You have to get warmed up first and get go with foreplay. However, for people like me, music is like a first impression. If I am not impressed right away, it's possible, but hard, to overcome that first impression. That is why I like songs with instrumentals I find interesting and songs with a faster pace. If a song has both, then it's gold for me.
That's the issue I have with this song. I looked at the timer and it was at 3:30 before I started even getting into the song, but the climax wasn't even worth sitting through all of that. Hell, I only listened to this song once because I knew a second listening wouldn't change my opinion in the slightest.
I was hoping the visuals would make up for it, especially after all of the great teasers, but even the styling in the MV was a let down.
For me, this song is a total flop and I'll be waiting for their next release. In the meantime, their "The Red" album has a lot of songs I like, so it's better to invest my time listening to that album than to anything from "The Velvet".