1. Posting more gifs of Cheng Xiao. Wow, that an easy!
I don't know what 2018 will bring in store. There will obviously be more content than in 2017, but AKF 2.0 will be nowhere as active as 2011-2016. I'm 27, Zaku is 25, so we're not university students with ample amounts of time to shitpost like we used to do. I'm also not likely to hire authors any longer because I don't have time to edit other peoples' posts, nor do I have Fany or Soyeon Friend here to do that work for me here.
(Personally, I want to see new sites started by younger people instead of trying to join my site. I'm in my late 20s, Asian Junkie is in his early 30s, and Kpopalypse is in his 70s, so we need some new blood in the Kpop blogging game.)
Also, do not expect songs to be reviewed (by me at least). I have always hated doing MV reviews, and now with AKF 2.0, I don't plan on doing them. I'll still post songs I like and songs that I think are absolute shit, but I have no desire to spend time doing the types of articles I like doing the least.
There won't be much of a focus on fangirls like there was early in this blog's history. I don't really interact with many Kpop fans except for the circle of people I generally interact with on Twitter due to lack of time, and I won't be using my free time to search for stupid comments.
I don't see myself putting in the effort to make the site as popular as it used to be 2011-2014, as my life is generally too busy for that. I'll probably be posting 2-3 articles a week, and one of them might just be an MS Paint masterpiece. I'm just here to have fun, waiting for someone younger with a similar site to take my place.