Leave it up to YG to overhype someone to no end. This is the first song from Lee Hi by herself that I have listened to. I listened to her on Epik High's It's Cold and she was the reason why the song was awful for me. Epik High's It's Cold was a song similar to what they did during Pieces and Lovescream. However, what made songs such as Pieces of You great was that Jisun added to the song. On the other hand, Lee Hi made me hate It's Cold. I had no incentive to ever listen to Lee Hi's songs because she's fucking boring.
The next problem I have with Lee Hi is that she looks like one of those Mattel troll dolls. Her features are way too big for her face, making her look like a deformed anime character.
Yang Hyun Suk has used this formula with 2NE1 and Lee Hi. If you look at 2NE1 and Lee Hi, neither is attractive. To compensate for 2NE1's boringness, YG hired Jeremy Scott to reduce that factor. For Lee Hi, there really isn't anything to do, so the hype has been increased.
Rose is a very unmemorable song. I haven't listened to it twice while writing this review and nothing sticks except the reference to Poison's Every Rose Has Its Thorn. Lee Hi's voice has as much emotion in it as Bom's face has the ability to move. Which is close to nonexistent. In order to properly review the song, it would require me to listen to it a couple of more times, but then I would end up falling asleep while writing the review.
Score: 1/10
The only positive thing about this piece of shit is the reference to the Poison song. Aside from that, the bland-as-fuck singing coupled with a forgettable instrumental doesn't entice me to want to listen to the song. I know Lee Hi will end up topping the charts if she hasn't already, which shows how great of a manipulator Yang Hyun Suk is. Hell, he made Daesung famous, so anything is possible from YG.

The next problem I have with Lee Hi is that she looks like one of those Mattel troll dolls. Her features are way too big for her face, making her look like a deformed anime character.

Yang Hyun Suk has used this formula with 2NE1 and Lee Hi. If you look at 2NE1 and Lee Hi, neither is attractive. To compensate for 2NE1's boringness, YG hired Jeremy Scott to reduce that factor. For Lee Hi, there really isn't anything to do, so the hype has been increased.
Rose is a very unmemorable song. I haven't listened to it twice while writing this review and nothing sticks except the reference to Poison's Every Rose Has Its Thorn. Lee Hi's voice has as much emotion in it as Bom's face has the ability to move. Which is close to nonexistent. In order to properly review the song, it would require me to listen to it a couple of more times, but then I would end up falling asleep while writing the review.
Score: 1/10
The only positive thing about this piece of shit is the reference to the Poison song. Aside from that, the bland-as-fuck singing coupled with a forgettable instrumental doesn't entice me to want to listen to the song. I know Lee Hi will end up topping the charts if she hasn't already, which shows how great of a manipulator Yang Hyun Suk is. Hell, he made Daesung famous, so anything is possible from YG.