Channel: Anti Kpop-Fangirl
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Is Lee Yeon Hee From North Korea?


Here we go again. Go order up a pizza or unwrap that package of Twinkies as we shove food down our fat necks in today's second installment of "Is she from North Korea?!"

In the scenes where Yeon Hee is wearing a tank top, you can see she's not as flat as a board as this fangirl is suggesting.

This just goes to show how hypocritical people can be when they try to promote equality and ending (cyber) bullying. So it's not okay to make fun of our friends such as Shindong, who is a UCiFF (Upstanding Citizen who is a Fat Fuck), anymore. Now the trend is to go from fat shaming to skinny shaming. There are theories out there that Asians have better carbohydrate tolerance, which means that the carbohydrates they eat aren't turned into fat. Sure, sounds plausible, but I don't know the first thing about nutrition. My take is that one) they're all kung fu masters, meaning that they're going to be leaner, two) the Asian diet isn't centered around Diet Coke and McDonald's, and three) Asians don't sit on their ass all day. Source: I don't need one, since Korean netizens make shit up all the time, and due to me being half Korean, I'm allowed to make shit up, too.

So, now that we have established that the way Asians metabolize carbohydrates are different from the typical fat American, now we have to delve into fat American fangirls hating on skinnier Asian females. Since these fat fangirls tend to be liberal, there's the common thinking that they should celebrate diversity that exists among everyone. However, they cannot celebrate this diversity because these Asian girls naturally tend to have the bodies that society deems to be the desired body (the being skinny part, not the being 4'11" part). In order to change that desired body type, fat girls have been calling girls too skinny and have been lying about their own bodies, saying that men like "meat" on a girl. It's a self-defense mechanism for fat girls to feel better about their bodies. Skinny shaming has become a common practice for fat chicks. That is why you will see people say "So and so is too skinny, therefore she has no tits and no ass." People try to project their 'perfect' American body that 90% of females don't even have in the first place in order to put down Asian women, who cannot have that type of body because of how their body metabolizes carbohydrates. Even in the past 25 years with Chinese people eating more KFC than the average UCAAD, Chinese girls aren't having UCAAD ass (because UCAAD females are usually all ass and no tits). Even with Chinese people slowly adapting a more American diet by eating ungodly amounts of KFC, because of rules one and three listed above, they can't have a fat body like the typical American.

In essence, stop telling people to quit 'fat shaming' while continuing to 'skinny shame' Asian females.

If this were reality for me, I wouldn't be complaining.

1. I know UCiFF isn't hyper-politically correct enough for fat people. That term is a work in progress.
2. I believe Asians do tolerate carbohydrates better than other races, but I couldn't find concrete proof in the 30 seconds I spent searching for the information. This isn't something to take seriously, so I didn't put much effort into finding out the actual science.
3. Stereotypes are fun when they aren't taken seriously. Seriously, do not take the stereotypes of all Asians being kung fu masters, all Americans having their diets consist of Diet Coke and McDonald's, or that all black females bodies can be stereotyped to being all ass and no tits seriously. Though I'm sure there will be some black Kpop fangirls bitching at me that I made fun of black people again WHILE AT THE SAME TIME BEING COMPLETELY FINE ABOUT ME MAKING FUN OF ASIANS AND WHITES.
4. Lee Yeon Hee is gorgeous and I feel that it's ludicrous that I had to write this article, but I hope the last two minute video made it worth it for all of the straight males and lesbians.

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