This post has all the information you need about the KPOPALYPSE LIVESTREAM!

Q: What is this livestream thing? You're not really going to squirt me with a hose, are you?
A: Unfortunately it's not quite that interactive. Basically you'll just be watching some dude who is probably way older than you yet creepily into k-pop for some fucked up reason (it's probably the titties) talk about k-pop, k-pop blogging and answer your questions in front of a laptop webcam for a few hours. Sound good?
Q: Wow, sounds fantastic! I can't wait to see you embarrass yourself shamelessly! When is this amazingness happening?
There will be two streams, eight hours apart, to accommodate people in different timezones:
Stream 1: Midday Sunday 23rd February
Stream 2: 8:00 PM Sunday 23rd February
These are Adelaide, Australia times (GMT+10:30). Click the links for a countdown in your timezone.
Q: I am not worthy! But I'll watch it anyway! What's the link?
The streaming link is: http://www.justin.tv/kpopalypse

Q: Gosh, do I need one of those webcam thingies?
No. It's me who is going to be streaming my ugly mug, not you. Participants will be asking questions and talking to me via a text bar. If you want to do more than just watch and actually ask questions, you will need a justin.tv account - this is free. If you don't have one, you may wish to go to http://justin.tv and make one pre-emptively so you're not rushing around doing it at the last minute on the day.
Q: But I don't know what to ask! Got any suggestions?
Why not look at my ask.fm account and you'll be able to see the kinds of questions that other people have been asking me. Hopefully that will inspire you (although try to be inspired by the decent questions and not the "how large is your anus capacity" type stuff). If not, then maybe there's no hope for you hahahahaha - but that's okay, you can just watch others ask questions if you want.
Q: I've tried watching stream before but my connection lags like a bitch. Please help me oppar!
A: Right click on the stream while it's playing, and try changing the "quality" setting from high to either medium or low. Also click "settings" and try checking "enable hardware acceleration" (left tab) and also making sure you allocate at least 100kb of storage with the slider thingy (middle tab). Also check "global settings" and "advanced" and make sure you're running the latest Active X. If none of that helps, blame your Internet provider - it's what everyone else does.
Q: I'm watching your stream but you keep dropping out, why?
A: I live in Australia, where our stupid fail government here has guaranteed at least another 3 years of shithouse Internet, basically nobody in my country has a good connection. Don't worry - the dropouts never last more than a few minutes, if I suddenly vanish, stay tuned, I'll return!
Q: Great! I'll be there!
See you there, cao ni mas.