Do you want to listen to a male group that won't make you feel gay while listening to them? Sometimes, I think licking a dude's asshole while fondling his nutsack would be LESS gay than listening to a song from a group by Boyfriend. Yeah, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Yeah, sometimes the shit I write makes me question my sanity.
I was simply looking for more material for articles to schedule, so I happened to see Soompi post an article about this. My general rule is to avoid boy bands because the vast majority cater to teenage girls in love with oppa, and I'm the furthest thing away from that as you could be.
However, I am glad that I did listen to this song. M.I.B. is a group that can actually be enjoyed by guys. M.I.B. is a group of rappers from the underground that debuted under Jungle Entertainment, so they're not from the same shitty idol rapping facility that spits out the rest of the shitty idol rappers that we unfortunately have to listen to. While their rapping isn't as good as it could be considering the type of songs they're producing for their target audience, the rapping is alright. I mean, I'm not writing a long story about how I want a swarm of bees to enter my ear drums and sting the shit out of them while having fire ants go up through my urethra and burn the living shit out of my dick as opposed to listening to the rapping from these guys.