Sharing the same name as BESTie's debut song, I had high hopes that this song would also feature a lot of ass shaking. Well, I am sorry to disappoint you all.
Now writing my tenth article in a row (in addition to two articles I translated for Hallyu Interview), I needed something upbeat, especially after listening to Teen Top's shitty song. I had seen Laboum's name mentioned, but I haven't had the time to check them out.
This song is both really good and really bad at the same. It has a very addicting chorus with a nice melody, but the verses are really fucking dull, as the beat slows way down as if the song was a ballad. This song is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but at least this song isn't as bad as the game.
I think Laboum might be a nugu group to look out for those of us who like nugu groups. This song could have been really good, and that's really the only reason I am interested in this group.
Okay, I would pee in their butts.