Channel: Anti Kpop-Fangirl
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The Gloss Causing French Fans To Lose Their Shit


This is another Kpop idol group set to debut, but with a twist: THERE'S A MOTHER FUCKING FRENCH CUNT IN THE GROUP!!!!!!!!1111111 As the master race, Koreans have no respect for the fucking French because back in 1866, France, who was somehow a superpower at one point, tried attacking backwards-as-fuck-still-living-in-the-1600s-Korea and France got their asses kicked. Now they're trying to ruin Kpop by adding a French girl to a Kpop group!!!!!!!!!!11111

That's the general sentiment among the French fans, well, probably except the part where France lost to Korea back in 1866 since they probably never learned about it in school. With a history full of humiliating defeats, it's better to leave out the ones that no one really knows about.

Anyway, I don't know any French at all, so my man EGO was kind of enough to translate some of the YT comments for me. Normally he links me to a lot of pictures and videos that I use for my articles, but now he basically gave me the bulk of an article.

- I have nothing against her, I’m glad she can live her dream, but I’m so not okay. To me, kpop is about Korean music sung by Koreans. Making it international is good, but it’s not kpop anymore…
- It’s really good but… we like kpop because they are Asians, that’s what makes it special…
- Great, now everyone’s gonna take a look at kpop. I mean I’m happy for her and everything, but WE are the real fans, and because of that bitch, there’s gonna be plenty of fake fans to be interested in it. Damn it, it’s our passion! OURS!
- The first time I heard about it, I was like WTF. And then… what a surprise to hear that she introduces herself in French! This is k-pop, KOREAN POP! Well, she looks totally superficial but whatever… Anyway, I don’t mean to be a bitch but… what is she doing here? I don’t understand. I like her but the other members are wayyy better.
- A French girl? How surprising. And that’s the one I hate the most.
- Stop focusing on the French! There are other girls you know! Damn bitch’s not even that good…
- They are great singers but… I think I’ll never be okay with it. It’s awesome for her but seriously it’s not F-pop.
- You can’t even call that kpop, it makes no sense! And that Olivia girl has a pretty basic voice, she’s not that pretty and she looks very pretentious. I’m so sad they ruined a group like this.
- olivia ?! u_u it would be better if it was only the 3 of them.
- here we go.. bunch of french people are gonna start commenting... it shouldn’t have been a french girl seriously... -___-
- LooooL “Je m’appelle Olivia”, easy bitch, who do you think you are?
- The French girl does not fit in it. What pisses me off is that she doesn’t have a voice good enough to be in a kpop group. :/ So she’s not Korean, AND doesn’t have a voice, it will never be enough to make it.
- If she succeeds, I’m going to Korea to audition for SM! ^o^
I'm actually super surprised. A French stereotype in the U.S. is that the French are the most pompous and arrogant fucks out there despite losing two World Wars. I had expected comments such as "Now that there's a French girl in Kpop, people will actually give a shit about it now." Delving deeper into the comments, you can just tell that it's just a bunch of delusional fangirls who happen to be French. Secretly, they all want to be in that girl's place so that they can give oppa a rimjob.

I guess even the most sophisticated of cultures cannot escape the wrath of delusional fangirls. Next these fucking French fangirls are going to get wind of this and take this fucking post too seriously...

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