I received a heartwarming email from a Korean adult, one year removed from high school, who wishes to remain anonymous. As you guys know, high school is basically a prison in Korea. The stress there is extremely high and their whole lives are dictated by the results of one test. In order to get into more prestigious universities, many Koreans will take 1-2 years to study in order to retake the test just so they can have a better life. The letter is after the jump.
Hello Readers of AKF:
I have been studying for the past year and a half in order to get into Seoul National University, the best university in Korea. The competition is cut-throat with everyone looking out for their own self interest. The stress has been getting to me. For the past year, my scores have only gone up incrementally, not allowing me to get into Seoul National University. I was ready to give everything up.
Standing on a ledge, I was looking down at the chaotic streets of Seoul. It was only 30 meters, so I knew it would be a matter of seconds before I left this world. However, one of my female friends rushed up to the roof in order to stop me. She pleaded for me to stay alive, but I had no resolve to live.
"You don't have to give up now," she said as she reached into her pocket for her mp3 player. She slowly inched her way toward me as I stood still. In my mind, the word jump continuously echoed. I couldn't escape the temptation to just end my life right here.
My friend was standing just mere centimeters away from me as she put the headphones one me. She clicked play and I had heard the worst song of my life. I looked at her with, dazed as to how this song was supposed to keep me going on.
"How is this supposed to keep me live? This song is so fucking terrible. Has our country's music scene fallen so far as to release filth like this?"
She earnestly looked me in the eyes and replied, "This song is supposed to help you realize that no matter how tough life gets, it will never be as bad as EXO's life. You will never have to go around promoting a giant turd like this. You will never have to claim that you had a hand in anyway with such a piece of shit song. You will never have a legion of retarded fangirls going around and spreading this song for others to listen to. There are tough moments in everyone's life, but none will ever be tougher than EXO's Wolf promotions. See, these kids are able to live with themselves releasing such a terrible song. Let laughter be your medicine to your troubles. Don't resort to suicide when you have never unleashed such a monstrosity to the public like EXO has."
Ever since my friend saved my life by making me listen to EXO's Wolf, life has been better. Though my life has its difficult moments, at the very least, I'm not promoting this piece of shit. I'm not dressed up like a fucking faggot. Since I have studied English, I actually know how to pronounce "wolf".
I just thank the heavens everyday that I'm not an EXO member. I don't know how these guys live with themselves.