Although DSP has rubbed their fecal-matter-covered asses all over Rainbow twice this year, Hyunyoung does all that she can to at least salvage Rainbow's comeback. Sunshine is just as bad as Tell Me Tell Me while the rest of the album is much better. Don't Touch would be a good title track for Rainbow, but no, DSP is on a mission to get people to hate Rainbow. Hyunyoung at least makes your penis not hate Rainbow even though Tell Me Tell Me and Sunshine tortures everyone's ears.
Although DSP has rubbed their fecal-matter-covered asses all over Rainbow twice this year, Hyunyoung does all that she can to at least salvage Rainbow's comeback. Sunshine is just as bad as Tell Me Tell Me while the rest of the album is much better. Don't Touch would be a good title track for Rainbow, but no, DSP is on a mission to get people to hate Rainbow. Hyunyoung at least makes your penis not hate Rainbow even though Tell Me Tell Me and Sunshine tortures everyone's ears.