So, I was watching this music video because
So, that was the initial reaction I had when I facepalmed myself. Everyone knows the quote "You're only as strong as your weakest link", right?
The funniest part to me wasn't Hyoyeon's bad singing. It was the description in the box: "[I am A complete Hyoyeon Fan Girl] I'll admit that i am an extreme insecure person but not to the point were i insult others. before you talk about some close your eyes take a deep breath and really look at your self in the mirror.(:"
Then again, we have gone over this a few times lately, especially with Kpopalypse oppar explaining how singing talent isn't really needed at all since technology can make Hyoyeon's voice listenable.
So what I'm getting is that it's okay to like Korean groups for catchy songs and their looks, but as soon as comparisons arise, it's all about "talent" in attempt to make what you like seem superior. K.