Channel: Anti Kpop-Fangirl
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AKF is just like allkpop!


Lolololololol, it'll take a little bit to go through everything that is wrong about WhyWhyLove's statements, so go grab some popcorn or whatever you like to eat.

I'm going to break this down point by point just so that everything is much easier to follow.

  • Drooling and praising female idols that over sexualize themselves.

Hahahahahaha. I don't think you ever read the first article on AKF. Or anything else from April 2011. Wewrotethisshit. We were like this from the start.

  • We hate on the more successful groups.

Because they release shitty songs and get away with it. The end.

  • We supposedly bash EXO because everyone likes them.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no. When I wrote my review for EXO's Wolf, I did so because it is such a terrible song and concept. Regardless of who sang the song, they were going to be made fun of because of the song. The song is really, really bad. I thought drugs were illegal in Korea, but maybe Daniel slipped the producers some weed before he got caught. I can't think of any other explanation as to how that fucking song was made.

If this person is referring to EXOtics, of course we're going to make fun of them. This is Anti Kpop-Fangirl and EXOtics are the most batshit insane fandom around right now. This isn't the We'll Sympathize With The Fucked Up Tendencies Of Teenage Girls blog. Part of the reason this blog exists is to laugh at the idiocy of delusional fangirls. That's been the M.O. of this blog from the beginning.

  • Everyone is hating T-ara, so we'll praise them.

Uhhhhhhhhh, still, no. Go to the archive of April 2011. ItisapparentthatIwasafanofT-arasincethebeginning. Back during the anonymous era of AKF, where it seemed like it was impossible for me to even like a song without the anons bitching about me being biased, I reviewed T-ara's Roly Poly MV and look at the label: "Even if I'm the only one who likes it fuck you all".

The irrational hate T-ara gets just gives me another reason to like T-ara because I know it pisses people off that I like them. They were my favorite idol group before the scandal, and they're still my favorite after the scandal.

  • I don't hate Kpop. But I will make racist, derogatory comments and then tell people 'it's just sarcasm'.

There's so much wrong in this one sentence alone. It's obvious that I don't hate Kpop, or else this blog would have never lasted two years and eight months. Sure, if I hated Kpop, I could probably keep this blog open for a month or two, but I would have gotten tired of it so quickly. 

I don't ever recall saying my comments are sarcasm. I'm just saying what I think, and honest opinions piss fangirls off. Sure, exaggerating shit that I don't mean just to make some jokes that I find hilarious is fun, but I've never said it was sarcasm. It's purely poking fun of a "perfect" idol for jokes. Sure, people may label me as a racist all they want, but I'm not making this a politically correct blog so that no one ever gets hurt. There are politically correct Kpop blogs all over the Internet. Go there if you feel like you're morally superior.

  • This blog didn't used to be like this.

What? Did you ever read the very early articles? This is the second article I have ever written on here was about Chi-Chi. I called two of the members fucking trannies. That was just the start. In the very next article I wrote, I made fun of Jaejoong for being gay. So, yeah, the blog is the same now as it was the first day I started it.

  • It used to be about honest music reviews.

  • An honest reply to idol conduct.

Well, here you go

  • It spoke for the people who were tired of the spazzing of random fangirls on other forums.

No, we never did. That was never what this blog was about. This blog is for people to enjoy Kpop how they want to. We tell delusional fangirls to fuck off as they try to act as if they're better than everyone else because they are "true" fans and the rest of us aren't. That delusion from Kpop fangirls is why this blog was started. This place is a haven for any fan to enjoy Kpop to their heart's desire.

  • You said you'll never sell out to be like allkpop, but you're just like them.

Lol, no. I have given thorough proof that AKF in April 2011 and AKF in April 2013 are 95% the same. The only differences are that I am nicer now compared to 2011, the staff has changed, the anons are gone, and that we actually spend more than 30 seconds writing an article now.

Earlier this year, I had proposed to move AKF to a host, but in order to make all of those changes, I would have had to spend a lot of money for domains (so that people wouldn't try to make fake AKFs), a good server (it was impossible to host AKF on a free, private server because it is too big), ample security (AKF on Blogger is safe because this is Google's domain) to protect the site, paying the people for their labor, etc. In order to pay for all of that and to recuperate my investment, I would have needed to plaster ads on the new site. Fuck that. I hate ads. The video ads are notorious for malware. It would have made the user experience much worse with all of those ads. So, in order to generate ad revenue, I would have had to have "sold out" to get more readers. I just didn't see that it was worth it.

But yeah, I had fun pointing out every flaw in your argument.

Special thanks to fiddle.se/klogg for sending me this since I never visit the AKF chat anymore.

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