In the latest installment of "Things We Can Add to the Anti-T-ara Circlejerk," Eunjung recently admitted to being a massive tsundere in her love life.
"I'm the type that's aggressive by day but sweet by night. I want to let the man win at night. I want to give him the ability to conquer/dominate me." -Source (Netizenbuzz)So Eunjung is the type that act a bad bitch in the streets, but a meek and submissive maiden in the sheets huh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But no, netizens gonna netizen, so they went ahead and played the moral police instead of thinking of all the wonderful possibilities.
1. [+1,487, -70] Wow ㅋㅋㅋ I think this is the first time an idol publicly admitted to sexLike many of you have probably realized, most of the outrage is over how an "idol" like Eunjung basically "admitted" to getting mad dick on the air. It all ties back to the illusion of virginal perfection that these girls are supposed to maintain for the fans, but really, even with that in mind it's a Catch-22 situation.
2. [+1,284, -55] This is my first time leaving a reply on a T-ara article.. but doesn't her statement basically mean she's given everything up?
4. [+147, -1] Does she not care anymore ㅋㅋㅋ She said she was going to ask her ex boyfriends the question ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+134, -20] Can't believe this is being said on broadcast ㅋㅋ Koreans were never so open minded on sexual topics. I get that we should respect Western culture but why are we following them instead of maintaining our own culture? At this rate, they're going to be asking stars their favorite sex positions on TV.
6. [+114, -8] Since when did we become a country that publicly talked about our sex lives on TV? Maybe I'm too conservative but I just don't understand...
7. [+104, -12] She just publicly admitted to having sex... Doesn't it embarrass her to talk about this?
8. [+72, -0] I guess she really has nothing to lose now
9. [+69, -6] Changed the channel after seeing Eunjung but this is past the point of adult idol, she's a straight up sex idol
10. [+67, -9] That's quite a strong statement. I don't know whether she's being honest or if I should not be as surprised as I am considering she's old enough to have the experience.
11. [+47, -10] How does she plan on getting married when she's saying stuff like this publicly? She's barely in her mid twenties...
12. [+36, -3] Is she out of her mind? She actually said she wanted to contact her ex boyfriends.. She really just publicly admitted to having lots of sex?
She went on a 19+ rated show (signalling adult content), was asked a question that more or less was about her sexual preferences, and answered fairly matter-of-factly. If she skirted the question or didn't really answer, she'd be criticized for not participating or not trying hard enough or being unprofessional or whatever shit people want to call it. If she answers the question, she gets crucified for being a "slut." You can't really win here, but since she is a part of T-ara, people are going to find something to hate on anyway.
The best part is that outraged comment wondering how she's going to get married now that she's said something like that. BITCH PLEASE, THIS ONLY ENHANCES HER APPEAL. Why Korea doesn't want an attractive young girl who is "submissive" in bed, I will never understand.
Which brings me to my next gripe. I think all the controversy is nonsense as usual, but what pisses me off the most is HOW EVERYONE IS MISSING THE POINT. Eunjung, a comely lass (*tips fedora* "M'lady), has just publicly admitted to wanting to be CONQUERED/DOMINATED IN BED. COME ON PEOPLE, GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT.
Don't leave her hanging!! ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)