Hello everyone. I, HanYeSeul_Fag, am honored to take over AKF for Chuck oppar. Originally I was just going to hijack his account and post exclusively from it, but we talked it over and I made my own account. We're friends in real life and he has been looking for someone to take over the blog for a couple of years now, and with everyone he asked declining, he proposed that I take over it about six months ago. I have been studying the writing of the authors here and will develop my own style over time. AKF will still post from time to time, but as he is gearing up to get a professional job, he doesn't have any time to run AKF. Therefore, I am taking over, and my first official review under my new account is this terrible song.
I don't know what it really is like to have cancer, but I would assume that the pain is no different than what I experienced from watching this music video.
The biggest problem is the visual terror. I know one girl is Lee Hi, a fucking midget troll who looks like Boram on meth and a troll mated. Then she was born after Boram was smoking pot with GD and took a huge shit. Once Yang Hyun Suk saw the pile of shit, he masturbated on it everyday until the jizz hardened the fecal matter enough to allow the shit to be molded into a humanoid.
The chick from Akdong Musician is a reminder that we should be thankful for the ability of Korean surgeons this Thanksgiving. Her eyes are smaller than a Korean dude's penis and her head his bigger than the ballsack of a dude who has elephantitis down there. AKF got me into K-pop with groups of hot girls such as Kara and T-ara. Seeing this bitch makes me want to kick AKF in the nuts because everything he told me was a fucking lie. I woudl rather dip my dick into the asshole of a girl who just had explosive diarrhea than to see this troll ever again.
The song sucks ass. It was so dull that I forgot what it fucking sounded like. It sounds like typical Akdong Musian lullaby music. I'm lucky that shit didn't put me to sleep. I wish it did so that I wouldn't have to look at either girls' face.
God damn I'm going to have nightmares tonight. Jesus Christ.