Here at AKFG we love to be straightforward about what many aren't and occasionally be indirect or casually mocking about what others are typically straightforward. In an effort to contribute to the facilitation of the former, I have created this new word for you all to enjoy. It combines "Opportunity" with "Perv" and "View" and I suppose you could even pretend it also includes "Oppa" for certain "innocent (not actually innocent)" girl group concepts. (7학년1반, A Pink)
This would be a word for all those moments indirectly understood as only existing to scope out DAT BODY or otherwise fill your mind with perversions, yet in a context that pretends to be for a different, neutral reason. So for instance, gravure videos would be 97% opperviewnities, and the latest Dream Team episode with girl groups playing in tight clothing at the pool would be somewhere around 25-35% vaguely opperviewnistic yet 5% very blatant.
AOA provides a nice example with this video:
This would be a word for all those moments indirectly understood as only existing to scope out DAT BODY or otherwise fill your mind with perversions, yet in a context that pretends to be for a different, neutral reason. So for instance, gravure videos would be 97% opperviewnities, and the latest Dream Team episode with girl groups playing in tight clothing at the pool would be somewhere around 25-35% vaguely opperviewnistic yet 5% very blatant.
AOA provides a nice example with this video: